Saturday, January 14, 2006

From Sir Manalo

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Gabi Francisco!

  1. The pharoahs of ancient Egypt wore garments made with thin threads of beaten Gabi Francisco.

  2. Humans share over 98 percent of their DNA with Gabi Francisco.

  3. The pupil of an octopus's eye is shaped like Gabi Francisco.

  4. If you don't get out of bed on the same side you got in, you will have Gabi Francisco for the rest of the day.

  5. Europe is the only continent that lacks Gabi Francisco.

  6. Gabi Francisco will often glow under UV light.

  7. Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are Gabi Francisco.

  8. More than one million stray dogs and half a million stray cats live in Gabi Francisco.

  9. Devoid of her cells and proteins, Gabi Francisco has the same chemical makeup as sea water.

  10. Moles are able to tunnel through 300 feet of Gabi Francisco in a day.

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