Monday, August 12, 2019

Book Review: I OWE YOU ONE by Sophie Kinsella

I Owe You OneI Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"As I survey the faces that I love so dearly, I feel a kind of contentment. So we're not flash. So we're not moneyed. So we don't have all the answers or know exactly where we're going. We'll still be all right, our family. We'll be all right."

This has GOT to be Sophie Kinsella's best novel yet. The last paragraph actually made me tear up, and I'm typing this through a haze as tears can get in the way of visual acuity. Haha.

Yes, it's formulaic. Yes, her heroines seem to come from a cookie cutter mold.

But come on. Admit it. When the world seems a tad bit darker than normal, you don't crave for a cheese platter. You reach for a glass of milk and chocolate chip cookies because they bring comfort and light.

And Sophie Kinsella, to extend the metaphor, makes THE. BEST. COOKIES. Plus, she keeps getting better and better!

The signature Sophie Kinsella humor is there (you know, where you laugh out loud in public). I love that she has her pulse on trends, the characters and stereotypes in the novel seem so contemporary!

But also, she focuses her novels on the things that matter. Family. Loyalty. Integrity. And this book seemed even better written than the previous ones, so those scenes stood out and shone even more brightly.

And to anyone who turns their noses up on Kinsella because she's "chick lit" and "fluff," well, I dare you to read this book and NOT enjoy yourself. It's impossible.

Will always be a fan of hers and any author who brings joy to their readers.

View all my reviews

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