My rating: 4 of 5 stars
"This is a time of disbelief."
Am reading the books out of sequence, LOL. Dove into this (the first of 2 prequels) after finishing Books 1 and 2. Book 3 is taking forever to arrive (darn you COVID) and I thought it would be safe enough to read PRELUDE TO FOUNDATION while waiting for my book mail.
This seems longer than the other Foundation novels, but every scene is important! Pay close attention!
The central figure in the Foundation series is mathematician Hari Seldon, who can prophesy the future by combining his knowledge of statistics and human behavior in what he calls "psychohistory." PRELUDE describes how a very young Hari delivers a paper on this radical idea, and comes to the attention of the Emperor Cleon himself. This puts Hari's life at risk, and now he must hide in order to protect an idea that he himself does not fully believe in... at least, not yet.
"Why, he wondered, did so many people spend their lives not trying to find answers to questions -- not even thinking of questions to begin with? Was there anything more exciting in life than seeking answers?"
Asimov's like a mystery author in the sense that no scene, no character is unnecessary. And although there was a point in the middle that I was wondering what was the use of all this incredible detail about the several different cultures and peoples on imperial home planet Trantor, all was revealed at the end.
Asimov has also mastered the art of completely pulling the rug underneath the reader, not being satisfied with one, but had TWO MAJOR PLOT TWISTS at the end! It's not easy to surprise rabid readers, but I didn't see these plot twists coming, and thus, enjoyed myself immensely! Complete with gasping and shouting, amazed at how everything came together flawlessly.
I haven't read the other series by the author but I think this is already the start of a merging of two storylines. I dare not say any more for fear of spoiling!
"We live in dangerous times. Just remember that if anyone can make the times safe -- if not for ourselves, then for those who follow after us -- it is you. Let that thought be your driving force."
Book 3 can't arrive soon enough for me to continue with this AMAZING series!
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