I think I've been working too hard lately. My body sent me a hard-to-ignore message when it forcibly shut down last Thursday night, and I woke up Friday morning with a high temperature, a killer headache, and feeling weak as a newborn puppy.
Spent the whole of Friday resting in bed and drowning myself in medication, and I was able to go work yesterday, so, hurray! Except that I now have to spend the long weekend catching up on work. I finished checking test papers yesterday, and today I spent the whole morning inputting the grades for three of my major classes (English 3, English II and English III), and methinks I look like I've got sore eyes. The last time I worked with Excel was waaaay back in high school, so it was an uphill battle for me to type in all the scores of my students. Music 1,2,3 to go.
My M.A. life is in shambles. Haha! Don't tell my profs, but I honestly don't have the time to study for class, and it's a miracle that I got a good grade in our Stat midterms when I squeezed in my cramming time in between meals and checking papers.
I have 10 papers to write, and the deadline is Sept.20.
Papers writen? Zero.
Oh noes.
Concerned friends of mine have been telling me to take it easy, to make time for "rest." And I think... they're right.
Hay. Here's hoping that the 2nd semester of A.Y. '08-'09 will be easier. I desperately want to have time to exercise, I think the reason why my body's prone to illness lately is because I haven't worked out since May.
"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy," said my favorite cinema lawyer in Legally Blonde. Which might also explain why I've been feeling melancholy as well.
Drat. I really need to get some exercise. Now na.
Okay, shallow and petty ranting done. :)
If you have 20 minutes to spare, I strongly urge you to watch this video of conductor Benjamin Zander on TED.COM. I think watching it is one of the reasons why I was able to recover so quickly from the flu :)
"I have a definition of success. For me it's not about wealth or fame or power. It's all about how many shining eyes I've got around me."