Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Book Review: BECOMING by Michelle Obama

BecomingBecoming by Michelle Obama

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"What I won't allow myself to do, though, is to become cynical... We all play a role in this democracy... I continue to keep myself connected to a force that's larger and more potent than any one election, or leader, or news story -- and that's optimism. For me, this is a form of faith, an antidote to fear."

I've read and loved both of Barack Obama's books, but I enjoyed reading Michelle's more! I suppose a great deal of it has to do with her being a woman. I loved reading about her childhood, the lessons that she learned from her parents, the struggles and joys of being the life partner of someone who would later become the POTUS.

I admire her candour, I guess I wasn't expecting a lot of it. She gets REALLY personal with the not-so-glamorous parts of her life (her struggle to become pregnant, for example). Hers is by no means a charmed life, but I just admire her all the more for this. She became who she is by working hard.

In a world turning more cynical and mean with each day, Michelle reminds us to always choose kindness and hope.

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